Task Manager - Discord Bot

Empower Your School's Efficiency and Collaboration with Task Manager Bot.

Scrum Board

Streamlined Task Management

Task Manager simplifies the complex world of school task management. With categorization into "ToDo," "In Progress," and "Done," teachers and students can effortlessly organize and track assignments and projects.

Two people collaborating

User and Role Assignment

Effortlessly delegate tasks to teachers, students, or specific roles. Enhance collaboration by ensuring everyone in the school community knows their responsibilities.

Person organizing projects

Project-Based Learning

Foster project-based learning with ease. Task Manager allows teachers to create and manage tasks across various projects, promoting a dynamic and engaging educational experience.

Step by step progress

User-Friendly Interface

Task Manager’s intuitive design now includes support for custom Kanban columns, enabling teams to manage tasks in a way that makes sense for them. Eliminate confusion, streamline workflows, and empower your team to achieve project goals efficiently.

  • Task Manager's intuitive design now supports custom Kanban columns that help teams manage tasks in a way that makes sense to them

  • Eliminate confusion, streamline workflows, and empower your team to achieve project goals efficiently.

Syncing files in the cloud

Clear Progress Tracking

Monitor student and teacher progress in real-time. Task Manager's clear tracking system ensures that educators can easily identify completed tasks and works in progress.


Secure Cloud Storage

Rest easy with secure cloud storage. All school task data is safely stored in the cloud, ensuring accessibility and preventing the loss of valuable educational information.

Remove learning

Deadline Management

Deadline Management

Person toggling settings

Support for Remote Learning

Task Manager facilitates remote learning. Whether in the classroom or from home, students and teachers can collaborate on tasks and assignments, ensuring a continuous learning experience.