Getting started with Bots from Bnder
You must have “Manage Server” permissions or be the owner of the server to add a bot to a Discord server.
Once you have clicked on the “Authorise” button, the bot will join your server, and you will be able to see its slash commands.
Getting a basic understanding
After adding the bot to your server, you can get a guided tour to set up some basic settings by running the following command:
Basic commands
We will go through some of the most common commands to get a basic understanding.
First, create a task:
To then display tasks, use:
You will notice that there are no tasks displayed. This is because the task you created is not assigned to you.
So, to see all the tasks that have been created so far, we can run:
The task will now appear in the todo category.
To keep track of your progress, each task has a status of todo, in progress or done. When you create a new task, the default status is todo. To change the status of a task, we need the task ID, which can be found when creating or listing tasks.
The following command sets the status of the task with the ID 1 from todo to in progress
Assign tasks
You can distribute tasks by assigning them to other users or discord roles. To assign the previously created task (My first task) to a user or role, you can use the task assign command:
This command assigns the task with the ID 1 to the user SomeUser.
It is also possible to assign a user (or role) to a task directly when creating it:
When a task is assigned to a user, the user will receive a DM notification from the bot.
If your team is working on different things at the same time, projects come in handy. In short, a project is an isolated place for tasks. Read more about projects here.
By the way, the task “My first task” was also created in a project. This is the default project, and unless you create another, all tasks will be created in this project.
If you want to keep track of which books you want to read and which you have already read, without being distracted by other tasks, you can create a project called books:
You can now select the project by clicking on the blue “Select project” button or using this command:
Tasks you create will now be placed in books until you select another project.
I need help
Join our Discord server here to get help from the developers and moderators.
If you want to get a list all commands take a look at this page.