August Release Notes
The following changes have been deployed in multiple deployments during August.
Task Manager
- Logging Webhooks can be scoped to a project
- Task Watchers: You can now watch a task and get notifications when something on the task changes
- New Command: “/task watch” to watch a task
- New Command: “/task unwatch” to no longer watch a task
- Task Attachments
- New Command: “/task attach” to attach a file to a task
- New Command: “/task attachments” to list all attachments of a task
- New Command: “/task detach” to remove an attachment from a task
- Daily followup reminders for premium users
- Deadline notifications contain buttons to easily extend the deadline
- Project manager will receive deadline due notification if a task nears the deadline inside its project
- Fix: Visual bug would show wrong project name
- Fix: Auto Priority would change priority of tasks that were explicitly set to normal
Knowledge Manager
- Added Webhook Logging
- Fix: Visual bug would show wrong project name
- Own comments can be edited now
- Many texts (comments, tasks, events, and more) are selectable now
- Logging Webhooks can be scoped to a project
- Task Attachments
- Month view for calendar
- Hidden guilds get synced across devices
- Showing api key usage for rate limit
- “Save Changes” button of TaskPopup better indicates error
- Open external links requires explicit confirmation
- Fix: Error when refreshing the app too fast
- Fix: Error loading servers after many reloads
- Fix: Task Popup Subtasks can be added by clicking next to the text
- Fix: Desync would result in tasks shown in multiple columns
- Fix: Text was scrollable in some places
- Documented API Limits
- Increased monthly rate limit to 20.000
- Increased hourly rate limit to 5.000
- New endpoint /consumer/v1/apikeys/KEY/usage to get usage of api key
- Fix: Regenerating an api key would lead to resetting rate limit
- Fix: Some routes would lead to an error when accessing them through an api key
- Logging Webhooks can be scoped to a project
- Fix: Requests with rate limit exceeded were still executed normally
- Fix: Some requests with a “limit” query parameter would fail