July Release Notes
The following changes have been deployed in multiple deployments during July.
Task Manager
- Projects are now hidden unless user has “VIEW_TASKS” permission in the project or globally
- Direct messages that contain a server name now also include a link to the server
- We removed the task limit
- When you are notified of a new comment you can now click a button to instantly respond
- Timezones can now be searched by country
- "/label add", "... remove" shows task or document data when no input is given
- Fix: Auto Priority ran even when priority was set to something other than “normal”
- Fix: Commands are only shown on guilds
- Fix: “/task comment” would send a notification, even if no comment was added, to others when command executor did not have the required permission
- Fix: specific special characters in “task_id” option would return errors
Knowledge Manager
- Projects are now hidden unless user has “READ_DOCUMENTS” permission in the project or globally
- Timezones can now be searched by country
- "/label add", "... remove" shows task or document data when no input is given
- Fix: Commands are only shown on guilds
Calendar Manager
- Direct messages that contain a server name now also include a link to the server
- Timezones can now be searched by country
- Fix: Commands are only shown on guilds
- Fix: Events of a user that is no longer member of the server did not get deleted
- Fix: Calendar subscription link could return error in some cases
- Tasks can now be filtered by deadline
- Task filters can now be edited
- Tasks can be moved to other projects by drag and drop
- Tasks with low priority have light grey border
- Projects are now hidden unless the user has the “view tasks” or “read documents” permission, depending on the selected view mode
- Selected tab in server settings is now preserved when sharing the link
- Login should be faster with less redirects
- Login screen shows current step in login progress
- Links are highlighted in textfields
- Events View refreshes data every 10 minutes
- Assignee Filter for Tasks is searchable now
- Repeated events can now be created
- “No guilds”-Screen has Logout button now
- Fix: Repeated events were not correctly shown in app
- Fix: Deleting event would not remove it from calendar
- Fix: Event Popup End Date did not change with start date
- Fix: Task Filter operators missed translations
- Fix: Drop down for assignees went off the screen on large servers
- Fix: Changing textfields in Task Popup did not work as expected, including an invisible focus point
- Fix: “More” Button on tasks was not alligned correctly
- Fix: In server settings “Audit Log” showed wrong permission requirement
- Fix: Better error handling when adding first server
- Fix: Expanding audit log entries would result in errors in some cases
- Redesign & improvements
- Fix: Wrong button interaction timeout was documented
- New Documentation with more details
- New path: https://api.bnder.net/consumer/v1/…
- Fix: Calendar subscription link could return error in some cases