November Release Notes
Important notice for users of the Task Manager Bot: The commands “/task todo”, “/task in_progress” and “/task done” will be removed in a few days. The functionality is replaced by “/task status”. Please use “/task status” from now on!
We launched a file storage in beta
You can now upload files in the app to share them with others and organize them in folders. Each premium seat gives your server 3 gigabyte of file storage.
Task Manager
- Added “/task dependency” command to set estimated effort a task takes
- Added “/task status” command
- Deadline reminders will run more frequently
- More options in “/task edit”: milestone, priority, effort
- Removed “/task priority” command - replaced by “/task edit”
- Removed “/task milestone” command - replaced by “/task edit”
- Fix: Wrong translations in setup in pt-br
Calendar Manager
- Many messages using dates will show the used timezone
- Fix: Event invite notifications did not contain start time in some locales
- Fix: Missing event id in “/event edit” message
- Fix: Wrong translations in setup in pt-br
- Updated design for task deadline button
- Updated design for event start/end button
- Added estimated task effort in hours
- Added task dependencies
- Added a dependency graph to the task popup
- Redesigned layout when editing a document
- Showing document meta data in reading layout
- Can drag and drop documents to another topic
- Can drag and drop topic to another project
- Task Attachments have file icons representing the file types
- Fix: “Delete Project” button was shown on default project
- Fix: “Buy Premium seats” button was not localized
- Fix: Premium Chip was not localized
- Fix: Moving document to another topic did not hide it from old topic
- Fix: Create topic dialog no longer multiline
- Fix: Showed Polish language option in settings but would not support it
- Fix: Did not showed bulgarian language option in settings
- Fix: Milestones were loaded globally not on project scope
- Fix: Changing projects did not reload milestones for the new projects
- Fix: Links in documents can be clicked and will open
- Fix: Milestone showed as "noooo"
- Fix: Clicking on links to another part of the app does not open the app in a new tab