

Bnder API documentation for Permissions. Read the API Overview to get started and learn more.

Grant a permission to a user or role

Grants the specified permission to a user or role, determined by the body content

PUT /guilds/guildId/permissions/grant

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
permissionstringThe permission to apply
user_id (optional)stringThe user ID to apply the permission to
role_id (optional)stringThe role ID to apply the permission to
project_id (optional)stringThe project ID to apply the permission to

Responses 204 Response (Permission granted): Empty response.

Revoke a permission from a user or role

Revokes the specified permission from a user or role, determined by the body content

PUT /guilds/guildId/permissions/revoke

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
permissionstringThe permission to apply
user_id (optional)stringThe user ID to apply the permission to
role_id (optional)stringThe role ID to apply the permission to
project_id (optional)stringThe project ID to apply the permission to

Responses 204 Response (Permission granted): Empty response.

Apply a permission preset to a user or role

Applies a permission preset to a user or role, determined by the body content

PUT /guilds/guildId/permissions/preset

guildId The id of a discord guild
Request body

Request FieldTypeDescription
presetstringThe permission preset to apply
user_id (optional)stringThe user ID to apply the preset to
role_id (optional)stringThe role ID to apply the preset to
project_id (optional)stringThe project ID to apply the preset to

Responses 204 Response (Preset applied): Empty response.

Get permissions of a role

Get all bnder permission for the specified role

GET /guilds/guildId/permissions/roles/roleId

guildId The id of a discord guild
roleId The ID of the role
Responses 200 Response (Permissions retrieved):

Response FieldTypeDescription
globalPermissionsobjectGlobal permissions are permissions that apply to all projects. They are not project-specific.
projectPermissionsobjectProject permissions are permissions that apply to specific projects. They are project-specific.
discordPermissionsstringDiscord permissions are permissions for discord.

Get permissions of a user

Get all bnder permission for the specified user

GET /guilds/guildId/permissions/users/userId

guildId The id of a discord guild
userId The ID of the user
Responses 200 Response (Permissions retrieved):

Response FieldTypeDescription
globalPermissionsobjectGlobal permissions are permissions that apply to all projects. They are not project-specific.
projectPermissionsobjectProject permissions are permissions that apply to specific projects. They are project-specific.
discordPermissionsstringDiscord permissions are permissions for discord.