Release Notes in July
Task Manager
- Several improvements to messages in all languages
- Command option “project_name” was renamed to “project”
- “/language” command option “language_code” was renamed to “language”
- Started migration from “boards” to “projects”
- Task ids are generated incrementally
- “task project” command displays tasks of all projects when no project is set in command
- Removed “/version” command, since it provided no benefit to users
- Task linking feature added
- Limits changed to guild wide limits
- Object linking added
- Dates were not correctly formatted
- Some commands replied in english when another language was set
- Project autocompletes sometimes returned nothing
- Project names containing Markdown formatting characters where shown incorrectly
- Project names can contain upper case letters now
- Couldn’t create a new project when 8 other projects existed (limit should be 10)
- “task project” pages were not working when project name contained an asterix (*)
- Markdown Headlines (“#”, “##”, “###”) were not shown correctly in some cases
- Task/Project delete confirmations don’t show the discriminator of a user anymore
- “task info” list of assigned users/roles had wrong formatting when more than one user or role was assigned
- “support” command contained wrong help page url & includes new buttons for our discord & help page in addition to the plain links
- When creating a task with an assignee no direct message notification was sent to the assignee
- “task list” command had issues with project names including asterix
- “task list” displays tasks across all projects if no project is set as option
- “task assign” did not send a direct message to the assigned user
- “task create” did not send a direct message to the assigned user if specified in command
- “task list” did not show the correct text when no tasks were found for a specific role
- help page added (
- News page added (
- Loading speed improvements
- Accessibility improved